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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!! ...Late I know again

Hope everyone enjoy there Explosive day! ...corney lol but any who, I was checking my one of my favorite blogs and great make-up artist Kandeej and you can find her blog if you don't already have her saved: kandee the make-up artist

I got all inspired up and made a eye make-up look for "the 4th of july and also posted a video on youtube on:
YouTube - ‪3girlartist's Channel‬‏

Also my slide show on facebook:


Hope you like-e...

P.s I actually did make this look on the actual day but it took me forever to upload and
P.p.s I was nervous as heck doing the video(its my first talking video) even thow I waz in the comfort of my own home lol....ttyl

1 comment:

  1. Hey 3girlartist! Yes, I'll help you with building your kit. Email me @ heidistylhix@live.com
