I have been a natural my whole life never any perms or relaxers ,just the norm: press and curl,flat iron and braided hair styles. When I was younger (me and my twin) had hair down to our waist. When I began to do my own hair that's when it started to become shorter, it was still long (to me) but I have never got it back to waist length. So in Jan. 2011, After totally not putting any heat to my hair since my birthday June of 2010 I cut all the heat damage hair off at least 6inch from about 16 inches (some family members and friends thought I was crazy) but little did they know I really had to fake the curl and do twist out or braid outs because my hair at the end didn't have much curl and it was so hard to comb out. After the cut was then that I realized my hair is super curly it draws up to half its length so imaging the difference at first I felt like did I make a mistake but I knew it was for the best it made styling and comb out easier...... 7 months later its grown about 1 1/2inch- 2 but I'm still trying to figure out what produts my hair likes Im better at styling too at first the hair in the front was so short I couldn't put it up with out pins but now its grown out and I work with it. Just recently I decided that since its getting longer and I been getting so many knots at the ends that I'm going to try blow drying and where braided styles or twistout on my dry hair and see how my hair like it and I will share my experince with you as I go alone with this new routine.....Here are some pics of when we where younger and the length of our hair.....ttyl
P.s My mom is always saying " I just don't know what happen to all your hair" and I thinking hey you stop giving it that tlc and made me do it and I really didn't have a clue I just thought ugh.. its so puffy
P.p.s Then my mom would wash,blow dry are hair and use "LIV" as a daily leave in and style. Do (did) any of you use that product? :>
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